Bambooshoot Company

Ms Vince Speaks

Peace + Productivity
= Profit

Helping to create pathways of communication to achieve harmony in your organization and workplace.


What Gets in The Way of Connecting?

Negative perceptions have been a part of my life. I have processed micro-judgments in common situations. Learn how to remove your negative thoughts when you have a difference of opinions. Find common strengths with your opponent. Be an architect of mutual understanding. Sow and grow the seeds of collaboration.

Connection is a Leader's Best Tool

Lead a team through communication. Leading people takes energy and work, connecting is about them, and being an example of what you want from your team. Learn ways in connecting that you can practice when leading people. Find strength by making people the most important priority. Be creative in communicating with others. When you grow in becoming a better person, the people around you grow too.

Pathways to Peace

Create peace in the workplace with key connecting principles. Find strength in your conflict mode, learn effective listening skills, and expand the outcome to the resolution. Get to know your conflict mode and your history of conflicts and resolving issues. Create a safe space for crucial conversations. Integrate options when coming to a mutual agreement.

Here to Help


Let's Talk